Many folks come to us with website problems. One thing that makes BlizzardPress different is our commitment to long-term maintenance and upkeep of your website. In fact, we have no interest in designing your website and sending you on your way! Our goal is to maintain a relationship, updating your website every month to ensure Continue Reading
Yesterday WordPress released version 4.7.3 and we have all of our clients updated to the new version. Look out next Monday for two classes at the Glenwood Springs Library: Email Marketing and MailChimp. We finish up the month on March 30th with a 2 hour WordPress workshop in Edwards, CO. Look for WordPress and SEO classes at CMC in Edwards this June.
Ok, ok – I know you are thinking… snooze, how boring – or maybe even, “huh?”. BUT, listen up folks – this one is actually worth your attention. SSL is the technology that keeps your website secure – it is easily recognized on any website by an https:// versus http://. This would most commonly be Continue Reading
That’s right, I said it. I might have better titled this article “The Hidden Costs of WordPress” but I’m feeling just a bit sassy today. So there you have it. Let’s find out just what I’m talking about. I’m a bit biased of course but WordPress is one of the best content management systems in the Continue Reading
WordPress is a powerful open source web software that runs 25-30% of all business websites today globally and approximately 50% of all US websites. One of the main reasons business people use it, is not only because of it’s simple user interface and awesome CMS, but because it offers a huge level of versatility when adding functionality to a website.
WordPress “themezilla” will feed you to its offspring for breakfast and then eats its offspring for lunch! It’s an over-developed beast that can sometimes get you into a costly mess down the road. If you’re reading this post, you probably already know that WordPress is one of the most popular web design platforms available today Continue Reading
You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby. WordPress hosting comes up a lot in conversation with clients these days. It used to be that you could find a nearly free host, turn on your WordPress site and pay your $5/month hosting fee into eternity – not thinking too much more about it. WordPress has come a Continue Reading
Do you live in the Glenwood Springs and want to learn more about how to design a website with WordPress? Colorado Mountain College (Glenwood Springs, CO campus) is offering a WordPress class on September 30th that will teach you how to setup and use WordPress to manage your website. WordPress offers powerful website design and management Continue Reading
Colorado Mountain College in Glenwood Springs is offering an SEO class to the Roaring Fork Valley. The class starts on 4/3/2014 and runs five weeks until 5/1/14. This is Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:00 for a total of 10 hours of instruction time. The cost is $50. If you want to learn how to apply Continue Reading
Have you noticed all the “Which Word Do You See First” Eye tests?? They are an epidemic on Facebook and Twitter. They generate likes, comments and totally go viral. For all of you WordPress Geeks out there, here is a special one: